Madina Canada INC
Madina Canada Inc impleneted Electronic voucher Distribution with International mobile topup

IWT professionals deliver state of the art combination of mobile topup software with electronic voucher distribution system, temrinal transfer and International topup solution for Madina Canada inc after sudden drop in Calling Card business.

To provide fast and stable voucher distribution and etopup experience to retailers and dealer network.
Team of IWT discussed all the challenges and realtime issue of market with client and finally conclude the way to manage operators setting with dual comission settings. Same operator is now able to serve etopup and voucher distribution at the same time. Voucher management system is also incorporated in the backend to manage complete inventory and denomination based low stock alerts. For International topup we sync all the API response locally for fast end user experience. Platform also handle n level hireachy and incentive calculation for channel sales distribution.
After sudden drop in Calling Card business customer is able to serve a unique electronic voucher distribution system to their retailers and acquire mass of turnover. This playform was also help them to manage their invoices on zohobooks without any extra efforts.
1 million transactions
99% Success Rate
Tenant Architecture.
From The Client
“These guys have built such a strong relationship with our organization that we consider them an extension of our IT department. We always know that excellent service is just a phone call or e-mail away and that we will receive the same level of attention they always provide that makes us feel like we're their top priority.”